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The Greatness Of Beign A lion

وصية اجدادي

ولـدي إلـيـك وصـيـتي عهد الأسود... الـعـز غـايـتـنـا نعيش لكي نسودِ
وعـريـننا في الأرض معروف الحدود... فـاحم العرين وصن
بأجساد العدىَ
وزئـيرنا في الأرض مرهوب الصدى... نـعـلـي عـل
عن عبث القرود ِ
أظـفـارنـا لـلـمـجد قد خُلقت فدى... ونـيـوبـنـا سُـنَّـت في
جثث الأعادي
هـذا الـعـريـن حـمته آساد الشرى ...وعـلـى جـوانـب عزة دمهم جرىَ
مـن جـار مـن أعـدائـنـا وتكبرا ...سـقـنـا إلـيـه من الضراغم محشراَ
إيـاك أن تـرضـى الـونى أو تستكين... أو أن تـهـون لـمـعـتدٍ يطأ العرينَ
أرسـل زئـيـرك وابق مرفوع الجبين ...والـثـم جروحك صامتاً وانس الأنينَ



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You've extreamly faild...

Hi...we're glad to inform you YOU HAVE FAILED at that point you'll be Sad.....Weak....Disappointed.....choked... Yes..... I've Failed I could'nt make it... i've made the people who count on me Disappointed... i crashed my dreams... in the road back to home i saw Happy people celebrating....friends...classmates... . Neighbours celebrating......screaming......Happy My school is just 50 m far from home..... but that day i felt it's like 50 km...... it's like it wont end........That moment it was night but the happiness of success transformed that night to a freash morning colored by smiles...scream.....happy tears..of happy students They've done it.......yes they deserve to be happy Congratulations For all of them Specially for My Ngel <3 She make me happy for her ====================================================== Here is faill area.... It was a choice ....and i've made mine... it'll be a Hard lesson for me .... atleas...

Yes I Can

By Blue